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Alvar 1981Anderson 1973 | 1974 | 1978 | 1988Apel 1942Bergeron 1998Blažeković 2009Brikner 1962Bukofzer 1948 | 1953Busse Berger 2005Caiter 1995Cantor 1991Chailley 1950 | 1953Coussemaker 1852 | 1865Crocker 1990Cserba 1935Cullin 1995Dittmer 1959Duby 1976Duhamel 2002Edt-Sim 1982Eggebrecht 1991K. Ellis 2013Everist 2004 | 2011Falck 1981Fassler 1987M. H. Fernandez 1986Ficker 1930Flotzinger 2007Friebel 2012Gastoué 1922Göllner 1993 | 1997 | 2003Gontier 1859Gröninger 1939Gross 2007Guérard 1850Haines 2001 | 2004Handschin 1932 | 1952Hoppin 1978Hughes-Hughes 1909Husmann 1952 | 1963Jeffery 1992Kerman 1985Knapp 1979Kosch 1927Leech-Wilkinson 2002Lera 1989 | 1992Ludwig 1910Meconi 2011C. Meyer 2010Morent 2009S. Murray 1998Ostrowski 2008Parry 1893Pesce 1995Pothier 1880 | 1883Pustet 1871Reckow 1967Reimer 1972Roesner 2001 | 2009/aRokseth 1939Sabaino 1995Saint-Cricq 2010Sanders 1962 | 1980 | 1985Schrade 1953Taruskin 1995Tischler 1966 | 1982 | 1982/a | 1997Treitler 1979 | 1983Van der Werf 1977 | 1979Waddle 2010Witt 2000Wolf 1904C. Wright 1986 | 1989Yudkin 1982 | 1983

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  Chailley 1950

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  Husmann 1963

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[distributed by American Institute of Musicology]

— 1. Four- and three-part conductus [testimoni principali] (1986) | A1-13 | B1-3 | C1-8 | D1-4 | E1-14

— 2. Three-part conductus [testimoni principali] (1986) | F1-34

— 3. Two-part conductus [in 3/4 testimoni principali] (1981) | G1-9 | H1-33

— 4. Two-part conductus [in 2 testimoni principali] (1986) | I1-35

— 5. Two-part conductus [unica] (1979) | J1-59

— 6. One-part conductus [dal fasc. 10 di F] (1981) | K1-83 | (K52)

— 7. [non pubblicato] 

— 8. One-part conductus [rondeaux in latino] (1978) | M1-60 | N1-45

— 9. Three-part conductus [altri testimoni] (1986) | B4 | O1-54

— 10. Two-part conductus [altri testimoni] (1988) | P1-49

— 11. [non pubblicato]

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incipit | poetic forms | authors and other persons | musical terms | Mss sigla | inventory of mss | bibliography | abbreviations

11 | 16 | 30 | 64 | 72 | 99 | 174 | 203 | 220 | 289 | 312 | 401 | 436 | 443 | 647 | 792 | 935 | 1060 | 1210

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— [It. tr.] Sulle tracce degli antichi. Padova, Firenze e le origini dell’umanesimo (Roma: Donzelli, 2005).

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— Early Music History, 20 (2001): 227-266.

— [repr.] in Roesner 2009/a, pp. 155-194.

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  Leech-Wilkinson 2002

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  Göllner 2003

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  Everist 2004

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  Haines 2004

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  Busse Berger 2005

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  Morent 2009

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  Roesner 2009/a

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  C. Meyer 2010

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  Meconi 2011

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  K. Ellis 2013

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